The Journal of Geoscience Education selected our paper as the Article of the Month! The paper is now free to download for the remainder of February!
The Journal of Geoscience Education selected our paper as the Article of the Month! The paper is now free to download for the remainder of February!
Visit our page about Polar Research to learn more about our team.
I’m so psyched to share that Moses Jatta won the best Master’s presentation at the 2024 Indiana University Crossroads Conference for his poster titled “Tracing microbial footprints in Greenland’s subglacial Naled ice meltwater: an isotopic perspective” !
Let’s gooo Moses!!!
Check out the announcement below. Scroll to the bottom for the list of presentation winners. https://sigmagamma.so.indiana.edu/crossroads/presentations/index.html
I am so excited to share the news that our department is now part of the American Geophysical Union’s Bridge Program! This is a tribute to our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and would not be possible without the exceptional leadership of our Department Chair, Dr. Kathy Licht. Read more here!
Click here for the volume: https://doi.org/10.14379/iodp.proc.390393.2024
Check out the full story here! https://news.iu.edu/live/news/33770-study-reshapes-understanding-of-mass-extinction-in
See the full text here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-023-01087–8
More details about the position can be found here: PhD in Geobiology
Check out the great write-up about our new paper and NASA grant published today!
IUPUI Geology professor researches groundbreaking bacterial discovery