Mauricio will join our lab group as a visiting scholar from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil . He will to do geochemical analysis of Archean rock collected from Brazil.

Mauricio will join our lab group as a visiting scholar from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil . He will to do geochemical analysis of Archean rock collected from Brazil.
Thanks to all the great speakers who presented in our technical session: BIOGEOCHEMISTRY & GEOBIOLOGY OF ANOXIC/EUXINIC SYSTEMS. Our research group did a great job of presenting their posters!
Check out our recent publication about nutrient cycling in dryland soils.
2017), Abiotic processes are insufficient for fertile island development: A 10-year artificial shrub experiment in a desert grassland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2016GL072068.
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I’m so stoked that our lab group just published “Midcontinental Native American population dynamics and late Holocene hydroclimate extremes” in Nature Scientific Reports.
It seems like ages ago when we first collected our sediment cores from Martin Lake in 2013.
You can download a free copy of the publication here:
IUPUI news release is here:
Midcontinental Native American population dynamics and late Holocene hydroclimate extremes. Broxton W. Bird, Jeremy J. Wilson, William P. Gilhooly III, Byron A. Steinman & Lucas Stamps. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 41628 (2017) doi:10.1038/srep41628
Check out the new pub by Kati Gosnell!
Spatial and temporal trophic transfer dynamics of mercury and methylmercury into zooplankton and phytoplankton of Long Island Sound. Kathleen J. Gosnell, Prentiss H. Balcom, Craig R. Tobias, William P. Gilhooly III, Robert P. Mason, Limnology and Oceanography, DOI: 10.1002/lno.10490, January 2017.
Dr. Alice Bosco Santos joins the lab to study modern euxinic basins and Precambrian sediments. Alice is a FAPESP postdoctoral scholar. She made the move from the University of Campinas, Brazil, and will be here for a year. Bem vinda Alice!
Check out our new publication about sulfur cycling in a deep biosphere coal bed.
Microbial sulfate reduction potential in coal-bearing sediments down to ~2.5 km below the seafloor off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan, Clemens Glombitza, Rishi Ram Adhikari, Natascha Riedinger, William Patrick Gilhooly III, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Fumio Inagaki, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015
Check out our new pub about sulfur cycling in Mahoney Lake!
Citation: A comprehensive sulfur and oxygen isotope study of sulfur cycling in a shallow, hyper-euxinic meromictic lake, William P. Gilhooly III, Christopher T. Reinhard, Timothy W. Lyons, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 189, 1-23,, 2016
I had a great time in Ghent at the Joint European Stable Isotopes User group Meeting. We presented our recent advancements in EA-IRMS. We also tried a lot of amazing Belgian beers. I recommend drinking L’Arogante at the Trollekelder.
Congrats to undergrad student Dan Orazi for winning the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Military Veterans Scholarship Program. Dan was one of only ten students awarded this national scholarship. Way to go Dan!
IUPUI press release here: